>> How to block Apple's Revoke Server to prevent apps from getting unsigned Author: coeval _________ 1. Open Cydia 2. Tap on "Sources" (second menu entry at the bottom) 3. Can you see the Repository "BigBoss" in the list? Yes -> Continue with Step 4 No -> Tap "Edit", then "Add", type http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/ in the text field and tap "Add source" 4. Tap on "Search" in the bottom menu. 5. Search for "Filza File Manager" 6. Select "Filza File Manager" - there could be more than one tweak with the same name. You need to take the one from BigBoss. 7. Install the Tweak 8. Open "Filza File Manager" on your home screen. 9. Go back until you are in the root directory and the back button at the top disappears. 10. Enter the folder /etc 11. Find the file "hosts" and tap on it. Select "Text viewer" to open the file. 12. Do NOT delete anything in the hosts file. The only thing that you need to do is to add a new line with the following content: ocsp.apple.com There must be at least one single space after the >> YOU CAN FIND AN EXAMPLE AT THE BOTTOM ! ! ! << 13. Tap "Save" after modifiying the hosts file. Do not modify anything else and close the Filza app. It's a very bad idea to modify system files if you don't know what you're doing. 14. You are done! If you need help, feel free to contact me. You can now delete Filza File Manager if you want to! /////////////// EXAMPLE OF HOSTS FILE ## # Host Database # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface # when the system is booting. Do not change this entry. ## localhost broadcasthost ::1 localhost ocsp.apple.com